

Briefing paper

A brief guide to reducing violent offending, based on the book. Recommended for policymakers, practitioners, or anyone interested in reducing violent offending.




Dr. Jennifer Skeem: Maximizing impact in an era of scare resources: Aligning people and programs.

Presented to the 2011 Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Project (JMHCP).

The importance of risk, needs, and responsivity to public safety outcomes has only recently been applied to individuals with serious mental illnesses. Dr. Skeem reviews her research in this area and suggests strategies to ensure the right people are accessing the right package of treatment and supervision.

Matthew Cate, the secretary of the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, speaks with the NewsHour's Spencer Michels about the effects of the Supreme Court's recent ruling to ease the overcrowding in the state's prison system.

California Corrections Chief Matthew Cate on Supreme Court's prison overcrowding order.

PBS Newshour.


In this video Dvoskin makes a clear and compelling case for even-handed scientific research on the causes of gun violence, and the need for an expert consensus that is not beholden to either side of the gun rights debate.

Dr. Joel Dvoskin: Let’s do the right kind of gun research.

Interview with the Hogg Foundation for Mental Health.


Psych in the City 2007 The Psychology of Violent Behaviour Dr. Kevin Douglas Psychologists, like many people in society, have long puzzled over violence. What causes it? How can we predict it? How can we reduce it? Violence is a salient public health concern that affects hundreds of thousands of Canadians annually, and costs society enormously.

Dr. Kevin Douglas: The psychology of violent behaviour.

Presented at Simon Fraser University.